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Zespri NZ deploys Celonis to provide deep process insight!

As part of their systems migration to S4HANA, Zespri sought opportunities to improve their SAP processes.

Zespri chose "Celonis Process Mining" and partnered with TEC150 to identify process improvement opportunities.

The Process Analytics initiative with Celonis helped to achieve the strategic objectives of Zespri by:

  • Identifying process improvement and automation opportunities within SAP functions

  • Pointing out duplication of activities and unnecessary effort around rework and changes

  • Clarifying any process cost savings opportunities

Zespri Success Story

The following success story highlights a subset of the many improvements at Zespri achieved during the Process Mining initiatives.

TEC150 Involvement:

Zespri chose TEC150 as their partner to drive the adoption of Celonis in the business. TEC150 brought the experience of 30 years in SAP and 12+ implementations of Celonis Process Mining. TEC150's experience allowed the Zespri Process Mining COE to

  • accelerate their efforts to improve their SAP business processes

  • significantly reduce the VIM (Vendor Invoice Management) cycle times

  • track Value Realised using the Celonis Value capture methodology

Zespri put us to the test and here is what they said:

“When we started leveraging our data in Celonis, we confirmed that 15% of Invoices were not related to a PO. We've been able to improve that metric to 6% resulting in a 27.4% reduction in VIM cycle times”

David Scullin | Chief Digital Officer at Zespri International Limited

The future :

A roadmap of Process Improvements have been identified and further Process Improvement initiatives driven by Celonis are currently underway.

Process mining is also now being embedded directly into Zespri's implementation methodology.

If you want to know how your business can identify and achieve process improvements in your SAP processes , please feel free to contact us.

Best Regards




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